McAuley High School is committed to providing a safe, achieving, friendly education for all students.

Rights of Students

Students have the right to:

  • learn and be taught without interruption
  • learn and be taught in a safe environment
  • be treated with respect as a unique creation of God
  • have pride in ourselves, our culture and our school.

Responsibilities of Students

Students have the responsibility to:

  • uphold the teachings of Jesus
  • allow others to learn
  • keep our school a safe, tidy and healthy place
  • treat others with respect
  • act in ways that make us proud to belong to McAuley High School
  • wear the uniform correctly, with pride, remember you represent the school at all times – before, during and after school
  • be on time to school and attend all classes
  • use written permission to leave the school property
  • make sure no gum is chewed
  • to not bring radios, iPods, electronic games or speakers
  • to use mobile phones in a responsible manner (Parents are not to phone or text their students during class time.)

McAuley High School’s Healthy Food Policy

Good nutrition is essential for physical and mental well-being.  This is particularly so for students, as this is a time for rapid growth and development.  Eating habits established in childhood will most times be reflected in adulthood.  The school has a responsibility to ensure students learn, establish and maintain healthy eating patterns.  The nutritional quality of foods on offer reflects the value the school places on this responsibility.

McAuley High School is part of the government’s free Healthy School Lunches Programme, Ka Ora, Ka Ako.  There is a daily choice of hot or cold, and vegetarian options, as well as fruit.  The programme is for all students.

The school’s tuckshop also provides other healthy options.  Students who bring their own lunch are reminded that healthy lunchbox choices include foods low in fat, sugar and salt.  An example of a healthy lunch might include a filled roll, fruit and water.  Students are prohibited from bringing any form of fizzy drink or takeaway foods into the school grounds, including McDonalds, Burger King, KFC etc.  For further information see the school’s Food and Nutrition Policy.  This is available to students and their families on request.